He Gives You.........

The relationship is toast. He's saying, "I'm keeping my distance.
Don't get too close."
FOOD BASKET: Rude -- don't do it! "Most women
are on diets; 90% are dissatisfied with their body shape."
Lack of sensitivity, big time. She'll feel horrible if she's overweight
and, if she's underweight, she'll think he's trying to tell her
something -- and it's not good.
JEWELRY: He's saying, "I like you a lot and I'm making
an investment in you." The more expensive, the more commitment
he's displaying. So make it expensive or forget it, stresses Glass.
BOOK: Totally impersonal. Not appropriate unless it's an
extremely rare tome or comes with something intimate -- "preferably
PICTURE OF SELF: He's egotistical and narcissistic. Acceptable
only if put in a nice frame with a lovely note (ie., "I can't
always be by your side, but think of me often ...").
MONEY: "If you're a hooker, that's a great gift!"
Otherwise, insulting. Make an effort, buddy-boy!
CLOTHING: May indicate controlling tendencies; wants his
lady to dress a certain way -- his way. Even if there are no ulterior
motives, tread carefully. "Women are very sensitive about their
clothing size -- buying too big a size means you think she's fat;