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If You Give Him.........

SOCKS AND UNDERWEAR: Maternal mama! You want to move right in and be his mom. Look out!
ALCOHOL: You want to be his drinking buddy. Only exception, a very rare and expensive Merlot.
TOOLS: In most cases impersonal. You’re keeping your distance. But if he's a handyman, it shows support. If he's a klutz, you want him to learn to use these.
JEWELRY: You’re looking for commitment. Look out if he doesn't reciprocate with a similar gift.
CLOTHES: Looking to make him over. "And most men hate to be redone."
GIFT CERTIFICATE: Great idea if it's related to his hobby or interests. "Men don't want to be fussed over," says Glass.
SPORTS EQUIPMENT: Great! It shows you’re willing to share his interests. For most guys, you can't do any better. Add a cute note: "Here's a football -- I'd like to tackle you." Add sports tickets -- pure heaven.
GOURMET FOOD BASKET: Shows you really care about him. Men love food and it's a way to his heart.