It's Great to be a Woman

You only think with one head.
- You have more brains than God gave a piss ant.
- You have a natural right to bitch at least once a month.
- You can have privacy in a public bathroom.
- You have something every MAN wants.
- You are the Head of the family:if the man doesn't thinks so,
cut him off for a month.
- A women can be charming, beautiful, and still cut anyone
to the quick faster than superman.
- You don't always have to pay for dinner or a night out.
- You can go into a bar with £5.00 ... come out ten drinks
later, have a free ride home, £5.00 in your pocket,
and a bodyguard.
- No one messes with you when you take the last of the "GREEN"
pills for the month!
- You have a right to cry over sad songs, love stories,and small
children ... and no one will question you.
- If you are small enough, you never have to change a flat tire.