a Woman if.........(According to Men)...

- Remember that ANY woman who so much as stares at your boyfriend
must be labeled a WHORE and your network of friends must be informed
immediately to spread this as quick as possible.
- Break into tears for no apparent reason.
- Ask for help in some endeavor then become livid when it is given.
- Insinuate yourself into your boyfriend's group of friends, break
up with him, then make sure you are present at every gathering for
the next month just to rub it in.
- Make his life miserable by making him feel guilty about doing
anything other than catering to your needs.
- Demand to be treated as an equal in everything - except when paying
for meals, airplane tickets, concerts, beers, clothes, etc. These
are required gifts proving his love.
- Declare PMS at any given time. If he is knowledgeable about your
cycle, tell him you're irregular from all the stress of your life.