Reasons Why It's Great to be a Woman....continued

We always end up sleeping in the bed when wefight with our other
halves - you guys get the couch.
18. We always have food in the fridge.
19. We don't worry about losing our hair.
20. We always get to choose the movie.
21. We don't have to mow the lawn.
22. We don't have to take out the garbage.
23. We don't have to paint the house or walls.
24. PMS - yet another excuse to bitch at men.
25. Cosmopolitan.
26. We can con our way out of anything - not justdig ourselves
deeper into a hole.
27. Men unlock our side of the car first - a real bonus when its
28. PMS is a legal defense for murder.
29. Men are like tiles, lay 'em right the first time youcan walk
all over em forever.
30. We can masturbate more in a day than men.
31. 2 words - multi orgasmic!
32. We don't have to constantly adjust our genitals.
33. Sweat is sexy on us